We Found The Absolute Best Natural Sources Of Vitamin K2 That You Need To Add To Your Diet

Natural Sources Of Vitamin K2
August 8, 2022 0 Comments

Vitamin K2 is a fat-soluble vitamin/nutrient that plays a vital role in blood clotting, bone strength, and heart health. 

It’s also known as menaquinone, MK-n, or menatetrenone for short. There are different types of K2: MK-4, MK-7, and MK-9.

There are two primary forms the body can use:

Menaquinone-4 (MK-4) comes from animal foods. It’s found in egg yolks, organ meats, and fermented foods such as cheese. It lasts longer in the body than other forms of vitamin K2. But it’s not found in most foods, it may take a lot of eggs to meet your needs.

Menaquinone-7 (MK7), made by bacteria in the gut, lasts longer than MK-4 but is less stable and more expensive to produce than MK-4 capsules.

Vitamin K2 is found naturally in some foods, but it’s more difficult to find than vitamin K1, abundant in green leafy vegetables.

Natural sources of vitamin K2 include:

  • Natto 

This fermented soy product is a staple of the Japanese diet. Natto is made from cooked soybeans fermented with bacillus subtilis natto to produce vitamin K2 (menaquinone), which can be absorbed by the body and used in blood clotting and bone mineralization processes.

It has the highest concentration of vitamin K2, followed by cheese and egg yolks. It has been linked to lower rates of osteoporosis in some studies.

  • Butter

Grass-fed butter contains MK-4, which can be converted into MK-7 in the body.

  • Cheese

Aged cheeses such as parmesan, gouda, and gruyere are good sources of vitamin K2.

  • Egg yolks

Egg yolks contain both MK-4 and vitamin MK-7. Eggs are a rich source of choline, which is required to synthesize acetylcholine, the brain’s main learning, and memory neurotransmitter.

Egg yolks are also an excellent source of B vitamins, vitamin A, phosphorus, iron, riboflavin, and selenium. Eggs have been shown to lower cholesterol levels and improve cardiovascular health.

  • Grass-fed meat, poultry, and fish

Grass-fed meats contain more vitamin K2 than grain-fed meats because grass has phylloquinone (K1) and grains contain menaquinone (K2).

  • Beef liver

Beef liver is one of the best natural sources of vitamin K2. It’s also a good vitamin B12, iron, and copper source. It’s also an excellent source of protein and choline, an essential nutrient that helps your brain make acetylcholine, a vital neurotransmitter for memory and muscle control.

It’s important to remember that not all beef liver is created equal. While it’s generally considered a healthier choice than other red meats, it still contains significant amounts of saturated fat and cholesterol.

If you choose to eat beef liver, go for grass-fed instead of grain-fed beef. The latter has been linked to heart disease and diabetes due to its higher ratio of omega-6 fatty acids to omega-3s.

  • Cauliflower.

Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable, kale, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts. Cruciferous vegetables have many health benefits, such as cancer prevention, cardiovascular disease prevention, etc. Cauliflower is an excellent source of vitamin C and K2. Vitamin C helps in the absorption of K2, while K2 works with vitamin C to prevent cancer by reducing oxidative stress in the body.

Cauliflower also contains glucosinolates shown to reduce DNA damage caused by free radicals. A diet rich in cruciferous vegetables has been linked to a lower risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal or perimenopausal women.

Cauliflower has more than half the vitamin K2 found in beef liver. Other good sources include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and kale.


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