As an American, no matter how smart you are, you’ve been brainwashed since you were a child to believe that the human immune system is very frail, from birth to death, and that you need at least 75 vaccines just to stay alive. As an American, you have been brainwashed to believe that any ailment, sickness, disorder, or disease you may suffer from can only be treated (but never healed) by chemical medicine created in a laboratory and prescribed by someone who went to medical school for eight years to learn how to write down your “specialized” order.
You are also brainwashed to believe that you need to consume meat, milk, and bread every day in order to fulfill “recommended daily allowances” for your body to function. These are the basis of the biggest lies perpetuated in a country where investors invest in your severe lack of knowledge about food, medicine, and vaccines.
Nearly every grocery store and supermarket is chock full of contaminated, processed, chemical-laden, pathogen-plighted “foodstuff” that’s made cheap and made to make you sick, slowly over time. Natural health advocates know this, but the rest of the population of consumers, about 200 million people or more, have no clue. Plus, our regulatory agencies, including the EPA, FDA, and CDC, are “all in” on the bad health “Ponzi” scheme, and they invest in your demise also, should you be so naïve and uninformed.
How many of these top 7 LIES
LIE #1: The FDA and CDC try to keep Americans from dying from food and diseases.
LIE #2: You need vaccines to have any chance of surviving the measles, the yearly flu, plus Covid-19 and its variants.
LIE #3: There’s nothing wrong with conventional food, as long as you don’t eat too much of it.
LIE #4: Prescription medications help you heal from sicknesses and body ailments, prolonging life.
LIE #5: When you “get old” you lose your memory, your body breaks down, and you need lots of medications and operations just to stay alive and function.
LIE #6: All germs and bacteria are bad and we must protect ourselves all day by using masks, antibacterial products, bleach, and chemical disinfectants constantly to stay healthy.
LIE # 7: Google, Alexa, and Wikipedia are good ways to look up health topics because they have fact-checkers.
Most medical doctors make their fortune by telling you that all of your health problems are “genetic” and “inherited from your parents and grandparents,” that way you will accept all forms of medicine they recommend and prescribe, including toxic chemotherapy and dangerous diagnostic testing.
The worst and most dangerous “treatments” offered are vaccines because they are injections of toxins and genetic manipulators that bypass all the normal filters your body has, including your skin, your digestive system, and your respiratory tract.
Now, technology mixed with insidious inoculations has produced humans who can be controlled by pharma. How do you ask? Watch this video below and you can begin to understand what’s really going on with vaccines right now, in America.
The Danger of Vaccine…