The most important thing that our bodies need is food. This is not just about the calories but also medicine and information for your cells. If we get to choose it wisely, it has the potential to reverse diabetes and other chronic diseases. Eating a nutrient-rich diet is more powerful than any drug when it comes to decreasing the risk of disease and as a bonus, there are no side effects.

One of the important things that we need to consider is our lifestyle and how we are supporting our mind, body and soul. With people growing increasingly aware of nutritional research, it is no coincidence that there is so much buzz about following a paleo lifestyle.

Here are the five reasons to eat a Paleo Diet


This diet eliminates all the nutrient-void and heavy carbs, replacing them with vegetables, healthy fats, nuts, seeds, berries, fruit and other foods that are rich in minerals and vitamins. Paleo also supports a healthier gut and increased nutrient absorption. It’s astounding how much grains and legumes can negatively impact both your gut and the body’s ability to absorb nutrition.

Description: Nutrients High Res Stock Images | Shutterstock


Paleo plans to create foods that can provide the right types of fat that are important in maintaining a healthy heart, brain, and skin. Also, these healthy fats support our bodies in decreasing systemic inflammation.


Following this plan, the majority of people who maintain an active lifestyle not only experience weight loss on a paleo diet but sustainable weight loss and increased muscle build. It’s the perfect recipe for burning off stored body fat as it improves the metabolic processes, gut health, sleep, stress management, and maintenance of a healthy ratio of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids.


 When following a primal paleo eating plan, you stick primarily to real, whole foods. It eliminates the entire range of preservatives, hidden sugars, sodium, additives colouring, artificial flavouring, and all the other fillers and additives. This shift naturally reduces the number of toxins you are taking in and replaces them with more nutrient-dense foods to fuel the body.

Description: 21 Reasons to Eat Real Food


 One of the benefits mentioned already is that following a paleo lifestyle helps improve your gut flora that is vital for any healthy digestive system. There is also a great deal of fibre in primal paleo eating, combined with sufficient water intake and reduced sodium, all of which significantly reduces and/or eliminates the bloatedness many people are used to feeling, particularly those following the Standard American Diet.

Description: Weight loss: Why does eating fruit make me bloated? |

The following are several other benefits that people experience when switching over to a primal or paleo eating plan. Listed are the most popular:

  • Improved Sleep
  • Increased and More Stable Energy levels
  • Mental Clarity
  • Improved Digestive Function
  • Reduced Allergic Reactions
  • Reduction in Pain associated with Inflammation
  • Improved Overall Well-Being and Immune function

 We are each so unique and must self-discover what diet plan works best for our body. It is our responsibility to partner with our wellness team of advisors and medical doctors to discover the lifestyle habits that support our highest levels of vitality and longevity. Sometimes we need to take the time to try a new way of eating, or eliminating certain foods from our diet for some time so that we can see the impact those foods are having on our health.


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