You’ve noticed that as a guy, your physique has changed over time. You might have gained a few (or more) pounds, or you might have begun to notice that your hairline isn’t exactly where it used to be.
It can be easier to live a healthier, more active life in each decade of a man’s life if you are aware of all the different ways that his body ages.
As you proceed on your path to wellness, be mindful of the following changes:
Men frequently have gradual weight gain that begins around age 30 and lasts until they are about 55 years old. A man’s extra weight is typically carried as belly fat throughout his lifetime, which raises his risk of heart disease and other illnesses. Measuring your waist circumference is a quick and easy approach to determining whether you are carrying too much weight. If yours measures more than 40 inches, it is advisable to strive for a healthier outcome. The good news is that, as a guy, your belly normally drops off first when you lose weight.
You will naturally lose muscle mass as you get older and your male hormones start to drop. Although your body will respond to strength training less strongly as you age, it’s crucial to continue doing it because it can slow muscle and bone loss and even increase testosterone levels. If you’re new to strength training, read Getting Started, Getting Stronger to find out more. Aim for two strength-training sessions per week, with at least one day in between each session for those muscles to recover (you can exercise in other ways on those days, like cardio). Target each major muscle group by performing multiple repetitions of eight to ten different exercises.
Men in their thirties and forties are relatively less likely to develop heart disease, but risk factors can increase quickly as people get older. For instance, by the time they are 50 to 64 years old, more than half of males have hypertension. Even a healthy person’s arteries and blood vessels gradually lose some of their flexibility over time, which can result in high blood pressure.
A preventive lifestyle, which includes frequent screening, can be adopted at any time. Healthy males should have their blood pressure and cholesterol checked annually and at least every five years, respectively.
Ask your doctor if you should begin taking aspirin daily once you hit 45 to help avoid a heart attack.
As you age, this little organ starts to enlarge. You might find yourself urinating more frequently or experiencing the urge to urinate but being unable to because it is pressing on your bladder or urethra. Read Common Urination Problems in Men to find out more about how to handle urination issues.
Age also increases the prevalence of prostate cancer, but the same heart-healthy lifestyle also reduces your risk of developing the condition. Starting at age 40, it’s crucial to have a physical prostate exam; as for screening, the PSA test has generated some controversy, so it’s better to talk to your doctor about it.
Although many men maintain normal sexual function well into their senior years, other men suffer less frequent erections and are less likely to engage in multiple sexual encounters quickly. Age-related declines in libido are also possible. Once more, sustaining a heart-healthy lifestyle can be beneficial: Perhaps surprisingly, cardiovascular illness, which can decrease blood flow to the penis, is the main contributor to erectile dysfunction.
Your skin becomes thinner as you age, which causes changes including slower wound recovery and increased sensitivity to the cold. In spite of the fact that you may not have given it much thought in the past, it makes sense to take good care of it now. Avoid tanning beds, use sunscreen with UVA and UVB protection, hydrate, and take care of any wounds or scratches you may get. After age 45, solar keratosis—rough, crusty patches—become more prevalent. In light of the fact that this is a precancerous condition, discuss with your doctor whether a skin cancer screening could be beneficial for you. Visit your dermatologist if you notice any changes in your skin.
Male pattern baldness affects about 50% of all males. The majority of men who suffer thinning become aware of it by their mid-thirties or later, while certain men with a hereditary tendency may start losing their hair before leaving the college years. You’ll frequently begin to lose hair on top of your head, or in the infamous “bald spot.” Although having less hair isn’t harmful, it’s vital to be aware that if you begin losing your hair at a young age, you may have a slightly higher risk of developing prostate cancer and heart disease. Simply said, you now have even more motivation to live a preventive lifestyle, which is something that all men—and women—should do.